Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 3

Day started off the same as it did yesterday.  Traffic was a bit busy this morning being the day before the Sabbath Day.  Arrived at the office, and was served the morning hot tea with mint leaves, then of course coffee at Starbucks with a client.  Had a meeting with the client at the El Concorde fabrication shop with more hot tea with mint leaves.  This is like a Friday in the states, but the workers only work until 2:00 for their six day work week.
There was not much that happened today.  I actually had a Jordanian lunch called a Saj.  It is basically a type of bread and the method they cook it.  They cook this wrap of a round grill called a Saj, I guess this is why they call it a Saj.  It is like a long fried chicken wrap with lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, funky ass pickles, and condiments.  A local told me that it was spicy, and to me it wasn't even closed to spicy.  I don't think that the translation of spicy here Arabic is what it means in English.  I could have brought over a bottle of hot sauce that would have lit their assholes on fire.  They haven't tasted spicy. 
Another observation that I made today.  The women here do not serve in restaurants, hotels, or bars.  It is a very interesting culture.  I came beck to the hotel early today and notice that the housekeepers that were cleaning my room were men.  Muslim men don't want their women being seen by other men.  

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