Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 24...I miscounted the days for Day 25.

The Muslims are on holiday week. They celebrate the sacrifice of Abraham's son Ishmael to please the God.  It has been interpreted by Judaism, Christians, and Muslims differently.  The holiday is called Eid, in which wealthy people sacrifice sheep and give the meat to the less fortunate.  It is very interesting.

I had the opportunity to visit the Dead Sea today.  My friend and coworker Shadi went to the Marriott - Dead Sea and took some photos and had a few beverages.  The Dead Sea is 1100 ft below sea level and is extremely salty.  One could read a newspaper or a book while floating in the water.  With the high salt concentration, the ability to sink is gone.  I was rinsing my hands in the water, and it left a slick type of film on my skin.  When I washed it off with fresh water, it was amazing how soft my hands were.  Dead Sea salt is a natural exfoliate.  I will be bringing some Dead Sea Mud and Salt back to the States with me.  While at the Marriott, I had a glass jar with sand artwork made for 5 JD.  (about $7.00 bucks)


Tomorrow, we will be heading to Jerash.  There are many Roman Castles and ruins near there.  They have a reenactment of chariot races and gladiator fights.  That should be cool, I am looking forward to it.

My friend Shadi family is from Lebanon.  He is a great guy and speaks English very well.  He is one of the few Christians that live in Jordan.  He invited me to his house to have lunch and it was really bizarre seeing his home and a hand stitched picture of the Last Supper done by his aunts.  His two aunts prepared the lunch for us.  We had an array of Lebanese food and I don't remember the names of some of this food, but it was outstanding.  They served us mini pickled eggplants stuff with red chili peppers and the others with garlic.  There was also a dish of beef that was breaded and served with yogurt, and another dish that looked like beef stew that he called meatballs.  These dishes were served with rice and pita bread.  To top it all off, there were also homemade green olives.  They start with fresh olives, press them to break open the skins.  The add salt, vinegar, and lemon wedges, and I swear they taste just like olives at home, but more fresh.

Another coworker showed me a pork store.  I think it is the only pork store in Jordan.  As you may know, Muslims DO NOT eat pork.  I guess it is for the small Christian population.  You can get bacon, German Sausage, pork chops, hot dogs, and various other pork products.  I will be taking full advantage of this store.

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